Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bathroom cleaner extravaganza

Okay so the directions were simple. You take
1 part white vinegar
1 part dawn dish soap
(I did 2 cups of each)
Heat vinegar until its hot, pour in bottle then add dawn and shake up.
It was really easy! However, I recommend not shaking it up with the nozzle on. Stick your hand over the top or your finger in the top because I found that as soon as the bottle expanded from the heat the solution started spraying out of it from the pressure and some got in my eye. It only stung for a second...ha ha but word to the wise =-O
The solution is somewhat gel like so it sort of sticks where you spray it which is kind of awesome! I feel like I have to spray a ton of the runnier chemical sprays to get it good on the surface.
Waited a half hour....
and it worked pretty well. I have some tough areas with rust stains that will probably need over night treatment but for a quick cheap cleaner this is good.

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